Jul 13 2008
Jailbreak for 2.0 is real, just not too simple
Well the topic in #iPhone states:” topic: Blog http://blog.iphone-dev.org/ | /msg (h)ops = ban | Wiki :- http://wikee.iphwn.org/ | 2.0 STILL LOCKED DONT UPDATE NO JB FOR 2.0 EVERYONE that wants to go to 2.0 must instal BOOT NEUTER FIRST and ACTIVATE IT before updating to 2.0″ So it is possible to jailbreak 2.0, just have to use pwnage or bootneuter before updating
Jun 30 2009
iPhone Dev Team Finds a New JailBreak for 3GS and holds out for something …..
Last few days have been very frustrating, iPhone Dev decided not to release new Jailbreak for all of the 1 million people that are waiting for it, just because they feel that by not releasing today they will help more people, I think they will hurt more people then help, specially if Apple patches there jailbreak and unlock and we will have to wait even longer….. The logic of dev team is truly bad and presents a question: Why ever release anything or hack anything if some one is going to patch it or some one didnt get a chance to buy something?
I`m sorry, but I feel that iPhone Dev team major fail here …………..
By admin • 3.0, IPhone, iPhone_3G, iPhone_3GS 0 • Tags: 3gs jailbreak, 3gs unlock, dev, dev team, IPhone, iphone 3gs, iphone 3gs jailbreak, iphone 3gs unlock, iphone dev team, iphone gs unlock, iphone jailbreak, iphone unlock