Feb 26 2008
Netkas released new 9.2.0 kernel with the fixed shutdown and reboot functions. Grap it at irc.osx86.hu 🙂 Here is a link to the original POST. Thanks netkas !
By admin • OSX, OSX86, PC_EFI 0 • Tags: 9.2.0, 9.2.0 fixed shutdown, fix leopard shutdown, fixed shutdown, kernel, osx86 shutdown
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Feb 26 2008
New 9.2.0 Kernel with Fixed Shutdown
Netkas released new 9.2.0 kernel with the fixed shutdown and reboot functions. Grap it at irc.osx86.hu 🙂 Here is a link to the original POST. Thanks netkas !
By admin • OSX, OSX86, PC_EFI 0 • Tags: 9.2.0, 9.2.0 fixed shutdown, fix leopard shutdown, fixed shutdown, kernel, osx86 shutdown